Episode 9 – Just Be(yond): Prayer and Spirituality
As our ideas of God expand and evolve, how might our prayer and spirituality do likewise? How are we to engage with a God not above and removed from earthly life, but intimately a part of it? And where is the soul in all this?
Parker Palmer, author, quaker and educator, as well as Uniting Church Minister Alex Sangster, explore these questions and help us delve the depths of our own hearts and inner worlds.
To find out more about Parker Palmer, check out: www.couragerenewal.org/parker/ or www.facebook.com/parkerjpalmer
To find out more about Alex Sangster, check out: www.emergingchurch.net.au/progressive-christian-podcast/
Alex’s book The Mystic Bible can be found at: http://progressivechristianity.org/resources/the-mystic-bible/
Contributors to Episode Eight include:
Cam Semmens – Inquisitions of a Theologaster… Prayer (used with permission)
Check out www.webcameron.com
Joel McKerrow and the Mysterious Few – Raindrops
Check out www.joelmckerrow.com
bensound.com – November
Beyondering, Faith and Beryl Theme music created at Got Fink Studios by Caleb Garfinkel
Check out http://www.gotfink.com/
Beyondering is supported by:
- the Progressive Christian Network of Victoria – Join the network, find resources and learn about upcoming events at http://pcnvictoria.blogspot.com.au.
- and Common Dreams: An alliance of religious progressives in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. Visit http://www.commondreams.org.au to learn about the next Common Dreams conference to be held in Brisbane, September 16-19th 2016.
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