“Venturing beyond belief to find open-hearted, liberating ways of being in today’s world.”
A podcast hosted by Matt Cutler and Lucas Taylor in which we explore spirituality in the modern world. Through interviews with a range of guests, we ask the traditionally taboo questions, unearth new ways of seeing and embodying the Christian story and in doing so, hope to find faith out of bounds.
Having been unable to land his dream job of becoming the sound effect guy on Australia’s Funniest Home Video show, Lucas is keen to use this podcast project to make up for lost ground. His gifts include a sharp intellect, an incredible memory, quick-draw wit, exceptional pun-making and a having a voice capable of registering two octaves below the average man.
Described by our podcast guest Dominic Crossan as the next Martin Luther King Junior (would that make him a junior junior?), and by himself as the greatest and most humble human of all time, Lucas is passionate about honest and authentic faith as well as issues of justice.
Working in a church congregation in Melbourne’s east has opened to Lucas the opportunity to share the highs and lows of life with people and has challenged him to find adequate ways to find and offer meaning in response.
Matt Cutler has recently developed an amazingly consistent ability to get people’s names wrong… really wrong, and important people too…
…like our podcast guests.
To their faces.
It’s a good thing he asks such good questions and has such an ability to draw people to dig deep into how we tick and what makes life meaningful.
I don’t think many guests noticed.
Except Dave Hughes Andrews.
He totally noticed, but he was really gracious about it.
We all just ignored it and pretended it didn’t happen. Though Dave left shortly after.
Matt spends his days putting challenging ideas into practice as minister of a church in Victoria’s Dandenong Ranges. He is like a walking fount of quotes and ideas from all these amazing authors – many of whom agreed to appear on this podcast! At times he can be heard giggling excitedly about speaking to such inspirational people, but I think we managed to edit most of it out.
By beyond on December 22, 2018
In our final episode in the advent series we sit with Mary the mother of Jesus. Mary is completely neglected in one of the two retellings of the birth story, but becomes the main character in…
By beyond on December 20, 2018
We look at both Elizabeth and Joseph – the only characters in the birth narratives privy to the claims about this ensuing baby. Both characters play brief yet pivotal cameos of support and care and help usher…
By beyond on December 12, 2018
In the Beyondering advent series we will be dusting off the layers of familiarity and therefore complacency to attempt to uncover aspects of meaning in this multi-layered and multidimensional ancient story of Christ being birthed…